Dear Grace,
Every season of my life has been met with change. But the last 3 years have seen immense personal change. I can pinoint one thing that did change and that was you my sweet girl - my pint sized party handbrake! But maybe I was just getting old. I am 37 now, I don't feel the same fire in my belly I once did. I don't have the energy to blast people for not staying last at the party. I don't think I even want to be at the party anymore.
I don't argue my points with as much passion and arrogance. I am more curious to know what other people think and why. I am less offended about other peoples decisions to live their lives differently to me, I embrace their differences even if I still don't agree.
So the 20 year old Madeleine is (thankfully) missing in action, But one thing has NOT changed and it fills me with curiosity to understand why... My gospel.
My gospel has acted as my guiding light since 2008. My personal mantra, my affirmations. Thats 14 years I have been practicing positive self talk. Over the last 5 years I have tried to change it to adapt to the new versions of me. I got married, I am a mother, I have this business which is kind of a big part of my life now.
So I rewrote the gospel - I added sections about being a patient and loving mother. It's in the shower right now, all laminated and ready to inspire. But today I had an epiphany where I realised it's not hitting me the way it did 14 years ago. It used to rattle off my head and it was almost rhythmic when I spoke it out loud. "I am open hearted to those who surround me". "I live each day as if it is a gift". I can still recite the words.
So I opened up the version from 2008 and looked at it again, and I didnt feel the need to change any of it. I loved it, I needed to hear it. Interestingly none of it talks about the 'roles' I have played. Not a boss, a wife, a partner, a mother. It's just me before I was any of those things, and it's enthralling.
Perhaps I need to tune into the girl who wrote it in 2008, she was a different version of me, but she was still me.
Perhaps as you age my girl you will see parts of you that you can't relate to at all. Or maybe like me, as you get even older you will become romantically attached to who you were before you were anything else to anyone else.
I will love you no matter what happens. Forever and a day.
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