Dear Grace, Every season of my life has been met with change. But the last 3 years have seen immense personal change. I can pinoint one thing that did change and that was you my sweet girl - my pint sized party handbrake! But maybe I was just getting old. I am 37 now, I don't feel the same fire in my belly I once did. I don't have the energy to blast people for not staying last at the party. I don't think I even want to be at the party anymore. I don't argue my points with as much passion and arrogance. I am more curious to know what other people think and why. I am less offended about other peoples decisions to live their lives differently to me, I embrace their differences even if I still don't agree. So the 20 year old Madeleine is (thankfully) missing in action, But one thing has NOT changed and it fills me with curiosity to understand why... My gospel. My gospel has acted as my guiding light since 2008. My personal mantra, my affirmations. Thats 14 years I h...